Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Back to the Future

Last night’s game was the outcome expected and hoped against. It brought the mountains to the valleys and affirmed a respect for the defending champs that I had been too keen to ignore. Chris Paul fell short of his own legend but certainly tried his best to be a Spur, with all the toughness but none of the flair that we had hoped for.

Moving into the western conference finals the matchup calls for our rapt attention, and for the first time we have capable bearers of opposing styles into the ring together. For a long time I have thought of the Spurs as a sort of chameleon, adapting to the surroundings and then conquering by slowly adopting a new style. The problem with the coming matchup is that even a chameleon can’t mirror a singularity; Kobe’s talent falls from the sky and eludes the grasp of finest shape shifter.

Sure, the Spurs have player(s) capable of outbursts of 35, maybe even 40, but over the course of the series they are going to have to oppose an earthquake with the finest balance, not an easy task but entertaining to watch. Which is more impressive, a pinnacle or a plateau, the answer will by this series be determined.


Tonight in the Garden a mirror will see itself for the first time. Veterans and defense, experience and inevitability, all of these are on the table in spades for this series. Tayshaun Prince of Compton will be on a talent that survived a stabbing, KG will be down low with Rasheed, Blue and Orange, Ray and Rip, the best spot up shooter against the best off picks, and Chauncy and Rajon, a father and a son.

That’s all too easy, but for real these teams are so similar that attrition may be the best we can ask for.

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